Playgroup Fun 2006-2009

Summer Playgroup 2009

For the summer, playgroup will continue to have baby bookworms at the library on the 2nd Wed. of each month.

The other weeks we will be having an open gym/playground time. If the weather cooperates we would love to meet outside at Sandy Beach or another playground each week. If it is really rainy our back-up plan will be the community gym where the kids can run around and get some energy out!

If anyone would like to plan a field trip or coordinate a playgroup event feel free to do so! You can let Mary or Jessica know and we will update the website and send out reminder emails.

Open gym will be from 10:00 - 12:00 and regular gym fees will apply ($7 per family). If the weather is nice and we are able to be outside we will let the front desk at the gym know where we went. We will also try and update the website and send a reminder email.

5th at 10:00 - Sandy Beach This amazing weather seems to be holding! Bring a picnic lunch and stay as long as you can.

12th at 10:00 - Baby bookworms in the library conference room

19th at 10:00 - Weather dependent. If it's nice we'll go to Sandy Beach. Keep checking back as it will be updated Tuesday night.

26th at 10:00 - Sandy Beach! End of summer blast. Bring a picnic lunch and sand toys. Bubbles are also a fun thing for the beach. See you there.

3rd at 10:00 - Field Trip to the Dump! Meet at the dump at 10am and be prepared for some fantastically stinky action.

10th at 10:00 - Baby bookworms in the library conference room

17th at 10:00 - Open gym Come let your kids burn off some steam! You can bring trikes (clean) and the gym also has some toys we can use. Regular gym fees apply

24th at 10:00 - Open gym Come let your kids burn off some steam! You can bring trikes (clean) and the gym also has some toys we can use. Regular gym fees apply

1st at 10:00 - Open gym Come let your kids burn off some steam! You can bring trikes (clean) and the gym also has some toys we can use. Regular gym fees apply

8th at 10:00 - Baby bookworms in the library conference room

15th at 10:00 - Coast Guard playground on Valkyrie Street.

22nd at 10:00 - Sandy Beach Time to get outside and let the kids run! If it is really rainy we will go to the covered playground on Valkyrie St. (coast guard playground)

29th at 10:00 - Sandy Beach Time to get outside and let the kids run!

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